Sign up for the newsletter?
“What’s the point of that?” – That would be my first question that I would ask myself. And my first answer would be, that I am almost nowhere a member, and if it did happen unintentionally that I signed up somewhere, I usually unsubscribe at the first opportunity.
Because: I don’t want to buy anything, I don’t want to be reminded of “interesting offers”, and I live quite far away from the hustle and bustle and noise of the virtual and, as far as possible, even the real world. And live so well that commonplaces, such as that life, or at least the time before Christmas, are becoming more and more hectic leave me in pitying amazement. As I see it, we have much more of a “choice” to shape our pace.
“The silent view” fits into my worldview unreservedly - the idea of sending newsletters doesn’t fit my content, and besides, in my small, silent world there is actually no news at all. Even though my life, like all life, is subject to constant change, with my photographs I try to give space to eternal, unchanging things without space and time.
To subscribe to the newsletter – that would mean to be informed regularly or irregularly about new contributions and works, perhaps about a new aspect in my work and/or that of my guests. Let’s call it a newsletter, because everyone understands immediately that they will receive a mail every one or two months.
So if you would like to receive such “news”, we would appreciate your interest in it! go to the footer to the subscription form. And if you are interested in more - for example to see additional work and contributions in the members’ section, or if you also want to give feedback - sign up as well for the community right above in the header.